
Weekend Update

This is actually an update that includes part of Madi's fall break. For some insane reason they start school at the beginning of Aug. Because they start so early, they take a week off in October?!! I know...strange...

So, we had a great week. Tuesday, Madi had her friends Savannah and Carson over to play. Wednesday, I met her new friend Hannah that just moved here from Texas. Hannah went to small group with us and stayed the night. Thursday morning we decided to pack up a picnic and headed to the mountains. We finally had a cold snap, so the leaves started to change. We had a great day. Jackie, Edwardo and Grayson joined us for the picnic.

Friday we met up with Jill and Rachael. We went to the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. It was a lot of fun. Mellow for a Friday morning and the girls had the gym to play around in to themselves. Jill and I even got in on the fun and attempted a few back passes and free throws...amazingly no pictures of our attempts. We headed to Olive Garden for lunch then back to their place to "play" for a while.

Friday night me and the girls helped Ted set up the RV for tailgating at the Vols game on Saturday. I once again got lost in downtown. Even with TomTom I can't find my way around here. It is kinda sad. Madi and Ellie think it is part of our downtown adventures.....

Bill, Daren, Mark, Scott and Ted started the tailgating about 6 hours before the game on Saturday. I wasn't there so you would have to ask Ted what exactly they did. I do know that they didn't stay at the game through half-time.

Ted made it home Sunday morning in time to go to church with the girls and I. We had a mellow day. Ted cleaned out the RV (I didn't even go in it). Then took a nap :)
I took the girls up to the park to play on the swings for a bit. Our girls are not really a good mix with nap time.....


Kelly57 said...

These pictures make me want to come and play with you! Sounds like a great weekend.

Angela said...

You are welcome to come (kids and hubbie too) and play whenever you want.....