Last Sat we had a great run/walk together while we were camping. Even Ted was enjoying himself while he was singing the Rocky's theme up one of the hills. I don't know if I have mentioned this yet but this training has brought a new little spark into our marriage. Sometimes life gets busy and complicated and too many things get in the way of having a relationship with each other. Now, on Saturday mornings we are getting to spend time together, work hard together, motivate each other and laugh together.
One of the many life lessons coming from our training is finding balance. Balancing acts are a part of life with work, family, church and school. Learning to balance and find the right placement for all of life's priorities is hard to do. Right now, I feel like we are hitting a good groove. Finding time and energy to take care of our bodies and our relationships. Something always seems to get sacrificed in the process of finding balance. I suppose that is what will make it all worth it, the reminder of the cost to succeed. We are giving up bad habits for good ones. (Even if I have to give up seeing the last season of ER so that I can go to bed by 9:30)
Ted and I both had a great week on the scale. Ted is officially down 8 lbs and I am down 6. Hopefully by the time Spring Break gets here neither of us will be complaining about bathing suit season. We have a pretty good routine down now with my morning runs and his runs when he gets home from work. We both put in around 15 miles each for the weeks training. Fall officially hit this week and it was freaking cold in the mornings, I need to get use to that. On Monday, Ted was still snoozing when I got back so I curled right in next to him, I don't think he appreciated that very much. We should be thankful that we don't have to train in Wisconsin.
I had my first training day on a treadmill because of rain. It was awful. I have used treadmills before, but seriously, I have never run on one. My whole body was rejecting the idea that performing that feat on a treadmill was necessary. I will have to do it again I am sure, hopefully each time it will seem a little less hateful. On Sat I was able to do our run on a nature trail and it was wonderful. I loved the soft ground, the trees and the crisp air. Maybe each time I have to do the treadmill I will reward myself with a nature run, just a thought.
Okay, so the playlist song this week is another oldie but goody. I can't decide if my playlist ages me or not. Oh well, it is keeping me on my feet and pushing forward one step at a time.
The Romantics: What I Like About You
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