
Shout Out

This Friday will be our baby girls 9th Birthday. That's right, Ms. Madi will be 9 years old. I am overcome with disbelief. How? When? Our beautiful blue eyed, catch-me-if-you-can is growing into a young lady. She has a mind full of curiosity, a hunger to explore, and a love of all things living.

Pride isn't a big enough word to say how we feel about our daughter. She is sunshine in our lives. Each day we thank God for her amazing heart. Pray with us as we continue to nurture her, care for her and teach her. May we continue to guide her and allow her to be the light she is to all that know her.

Happy Birthday, Madi-Rae. We love you!!

Honorable Mention this week goes to my sister Shawna. Out of respect we won't mention her age. We love you tons and wish you a wonderful birthday.

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