
Day 10

We are 10 days into our 40 days of water. So far I have come through some pretty obnoxious caffeine withdrawals....but it is worth it. I have approximated our beverage spending and we saved about $35.00 last week. No coffee, no fast food sodas, no sweet tea while running errands. And yes, not even a glass of wine on our night out.

Many people have asked us why we are doing this. Part of me wants to know that I can give up anything I set my mind to giving up....I don't know why I need to know that, I just do. Maybe it has to do with quiting smoking and starting running. Maybe it is the challenge in my life lately to live a life above and beyond and truly represent the God I say I serve. Really, it is us doing our little part to make someone elses life a little better. Isn't that what we are all called to do?