
My Roots Grow Deeper

A few weeks ago I had the chance to go to Off The Blogs in Atlanta. It was truly an amazing experience. I have to say I didn't know what to expect when I went and many thanks to Farah for joining me in something she really had no interest in to start with.

It was a simple enough concept, get out from behind the computer and meet each other. For real, not the picture that is painted in the few words written about their lives in the weekly blog posts. I went with the hopes of grasping a better understanding of how they create community on their blogs, how to stimulate conversation and build relationships with their readers.

My first impression...WOW!! They had Aaron Keys lead a time of worship. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. Not only the song choices but his knowledge and passion for the Psalms and God's word. Breathtaking. At one point he read through Isaiah 61, I could have stayed and listened to him read the entire book of Isaiah if he had wanted to.

The event was hosted by Pete Wilson. Carlos Whitaker, Anne Jackson and Jon Acuff each took a time to share a part of themselves. (I highly recommend you check out their blogs.) Here are some of the amazing things I learned:

  • Ground your Identity in Christ and not in the comments, the image or the words.
  • "Fine" is the Christian F word and we need to stop a culture of just being fine.
  • Be transparent. Everyone needs someone to say "me too". People struggle and need to know that they are not alone.
  • Be held Accountable. Place people in your life that will check up on you, love you and be completely honest with you.
  • Give the Gift of Second. Be willing to share your testimony, your story first. Give someone else the courage to tell their story once you have told yours.

Regardless of how any of us choose to respond to God's grace, it all has meaning. It all is a part of a bigger plan. Sometimes we do it imperfectly, sometimes we get it right and loose focus of our purpose. It is always used for His glory.


40 Days and No Coffee

Ted and I have decided to take on this challenge. And yes, even I, the one that could single handedly support the coffee industry will be putting aside my love of a perfect beverage.

From March 1st to April 9th it will be water only. (I have to make one small confession though: because of the marathon training I will be purchasing those little packets of propel mixture for my water. This will be purely for my long runs and the day of the marathon. I need the extra carbs, sodium and calories those days)

We both feel that everyone deserves clean water. It is something we take purely for granted in our country. The opportunity for clean water and sanitation offers many people in Africa the chance to live healthy lives.

Check it out: Blood:Water Missions

For those of you that participate in Lent, this is a great opportunity to sacrifice and give in the same moment.

Join us. Together we can make a difference.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi


Crab Sandwich?

Yes... That is a whole crab... and I'm supposed to just throw the other slice of bread on top and dig in. It's a deep fried soft shell crab... and I was told it just crunches like a crispy french fry. In actuality... it tastes like a deep fried turd... then you have to deal with the gelatinous filled waxy coated plasmatic exo-skeletin texture.

I was able to choke down 3 bites. For some reason I thought it might get better... but it only intensified as I got deeper into the main body... which was just how God intended it to be on the ocean floor... full of guts and partially digested yet still rotting fish heads the little bastard was baited into the crab net with.

Andrew Zimmer's got nothing on this bizarre food!

I feel dirty... and my fingers smell like sea gull puke.

(I received this email from Ted last night. He is in Baltimore on business. I suppose you just have to try everything once.)