Sometime last summer a friend of mine mentions that she has spent three days sitting on her bathroom counter reading a book. She just couldn't put it down and the bathroom is the only place her kids wouldn't bother her. A few weeks later another friend mentions the same book, with the tale of sleepless nights and overflowing emotion.
About two months ago, the book finally made its rounds to my house. And there it sat due to Girl Scout cookie sales. Then the usually life happens and the book ended up shuffled into my insane pile of books on the arm of my couch. Last week, I was not feeling well and didn't have the energy to do anything productive so I dug Redeeming Love out from under a few other soon to be read treasures.
It was Tuesday night, not much going on in our house, so I started reading at about 9pm and read until 3:30am. I didn't even realize the time had passed. Wednesday night, I picked up the book around 11pm, thinking I would read until my eyes were tired. The next thing I knew, Ted's alarm clock was going off, it was 5:30am. Needless to say, come bed time on Thursday, I finished the book around 2:30 in the morning.
It has been a very long time since a book has pulled me in so completely. I don't usually read a lot of love stories or historical romance, but it came highly recommended. And, I completely understand why. The story of Angel and her life was one we all have experienced, if even in a small way. Learning to accept being loved, in spite of our mistakes, can be a difficult journey.
It's a story of love, forgiveness and redemption and worth every sleepless night and tear shed. Thank you to my dear friends for sharing this beautiful book with me. I can't wait to hear the wild testimony from the next person who reads it.
Hi, I saw your tweet on twitter and just wanted to let you know we are working on a film version =) Twitter- RedeemLoveMovie and on Facebook Redeeming Love-THE MOVIE....please pray for the project!
Praying for and looking forward to the movie
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