I say interesting because I am much more surprised than I thought I would be. The change in diet has been, well, okay. With more and more people in our country become vegetarians or vegans it is easier to find meat free, dairy free products than I had originally thought it might be. Now, taking out yeast and baking soda was a little more difficult. I was amazed at how many of our everyday products contain sugar. I am not going to say this is easy.
I had one particular evening where I was desperately in need of finding comfort through food and well, not easily done when nothing you can eat is fried or has sugar in it. But, it was such a reminder of how when life gives us grief we turn to things other than God. I wonder how many times I have ignored Him to be comforted by food.
Setting apart time to concentrate on God, to focus on Him has been a blessing. My original purpose has been literally sifted until He has shown me what He has for me. I went in with some major big picture ideas that He has taken and shown me the heart of.
One of the major things I have been shown is how much I worry about what people think of me. In the last 19 days I have seen many an occasion to explain or talk about what I am doing. And, my first thought is always, How do I explain this without seeming like a religious freak?
How do I make sure you understand this isn't a diet thing? How do I tell you how much I want more of God in my life without seeming a little crazy? The craziest part of it all is that for almost a year I have been praying to be one of the crazy people. Seriously. I want to be the person who isn't afraid to pray for someone in the grocery story. I want to be the person who reads her bible. I want to be the person who gets up every day with one intention and that is to glorify my Father. I want to be the person who believes when God tells me that my faith, as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains through prayer and fasting. I want to see mountains moved.
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