From March 1st to April 9th it will be water only. (I have to make one small confession though: because of the marathon training I will be purchasing those little packets of propel mixture for my water. This will be purely for my long runs and the day of the marathon. I need the extra carbs, sodium and calories those days)
We both feel that everyone deserves clean water. It is something we take purely for granted in our country. The opportunity for clean water and sanitation offers many people in Africa the chance to live healthy lives.
Check it out: Blood:Water Missions
For those of you that participate in Lent, this is a great opportunity to sacrifice and give in the same moment.
Join us. Together we can make a difference.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
that is really nice article to make it familiar to me thnks.
Great post! And aweseome challenge!
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