
Free Music

I dunno what kind of music you enjoy. I like all kinds of music. Today during my blog meanderings I stumbled upon these few sites and found free music downloads. Most are unknown artists just trying to get there names out there and build up a fan base. I found a few artists that I like.

Okay, so first you wanna go to Indieheaven.com...check out the artists, see what you like. Then under the music section there is a little tab that says Redeem. Click there and it will ask for a code, most of them give you one right there, type it in and it will send you to volumMonster.com and waala...now click the download button.

One disclaimer, I think most of the music is Praise and Worship. I enjoy that kinda thing so it works for me....

I found this little nugget from Transparent Christian Magazine. They recommended Brad Reynolds. He is very good. He has 3 songs for download. I like the song In the Real World, go check it out......

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