It was strange to me today. With all of the build up for the last 2 years. All of the excitement and talk and need for hope in this country. There are people complaining about taking the time to cast their vote. An hour in line is too long to have your voice heard?
A few years ago there was a major election in Africa. The people there walked days in the African terrain barefoot to have their voices heard. They knew that it really didn't count, that the winner was already chosen. Still, they walked in the heat and starving to say they had a voice. Their voices were not honored by their own government, but I heard them. I heard voices in need of hope and change. People in need of food and health care. People in economic crisis that live in real shacks with no right to even own the property it sits on.
Isn't it worth an hour of your life to have your voice heard? We are a bunch of spoiled brats in this country. With weeks of early voting available in almost every state we still didn't make the time. We passed the voting lines with an "I just don't have time today".... We complain of higher gas prices and health care crisis but don't even know the candidates that represent us in our Congress. Our lives are just too busy to do the research, too busy to care.....Our complacency is a choice to let other people run our lives.....
Stand up, be heard and make the time that is more important than your hair appointment, chai latte or dry cleaning.... Go VOTE!!
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