
The Sacred Echo

"He does not want us to wait alone, but rather to wait on him alone."
At the beginning of the summer I finished the book The Sacred Echo by Margaret Feinberg. I went through it, one chapter a week, with a friend. Wow, what a life changing experience.
This is my first and not my last, (I have already started her book Organic God), Margaret Feinberg read. I have to say, I love her. I felt the entire way through the book as though we were sitting enjoying coffee in my living room. Her story is personal and strong and intimate. Things that most books in this particular genre can lack.
The book tackles the subject of hearing from God and how his voice echos around us. I believe the biggest influence this book had on my own personal journey, is that even I can put God in a box. Yes, sometimes I pray and expect Him to answer in one way and I don't see the very real ways He communicates, intentionally, in many different ways and areas of my life. Often times, repeating or echoing the message He has for me.
My favorite chapter is titled bring them to me. In essence, Margaret challenges us to bring our hardest requests, our most difficult questions to God. What would it mean to us if we accepted the invitation to bring our prayers to God, our heartbreaks and pain, and the allowed Him to provide the answers, to be the one who "...makes sense out of a nonsensical world."
I would put this at the top of your to-read list. Enjoy it with a friend and experience the challenges and reflection questions at the end of the book with them. It will change you. It will change your relationship with our Papa.


Everyone Communicates Few Connect

John C Maxwell, Everyone Communicates Few Connect. A world-renowned leadership expert. Admittedly, this is my fist Maxwell experience. I am new to persuing leadership as a part of my character and identity, this book was and is a great resource.

Most non-fiction books in the area of leadership are sure-fire cures for insomnia. Not so with Everyone Communicates. This is a practicle guide to being a better communicator, a better connecter, with your entire circle of influence.

Not only does Maxwell give examples of how we fail but how we can succeed in the situation or relationship the next time. Repeadly, I found myself thinking, "that is why that didn't work". This book is a tool I will continually use as I journey through leadership.

I would recommend this book to anyone who considers leadership. Even if that leadership is in your personal life and relationships this book has something for all the ways we can become better connecters with the people in our lives.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”